Why fDi Institute?

  • Gain professional certification with our e-learning platform

    fDi Institute is a subscription service which provides the practical tools you need as an economic developer. As well as professional certification, it enables your team to refresh critical knowledge and key skills to enhance both personal and organisational effectiveness. Build organisational confidence with the latest industry insights, tools and strategies.

  • Build practical knowledge across 13 courses

    Each course within the e-learning platform is designed around key learning outcomes, from best practice in investment promotion to how to provide business retention and expansion services.

  • Keep up to date on the latest developments in FDI

    As well as professional certification, subscribers also benefit from access to specifically developed report content published throughout the year on our latest thinking on issues ranging from policy to practice.

  • Customised in-person training workshops

    In addition to our e-learning platform, we offer globally recognised in-person training workshops and capacity-building solutions for your team. Our experts will come to your office to deliver bespoke practical exercises and modules covering key topics, ranging from marketing and attraction to accelerating FDI and BRE/aftercare. The content of the workshop can be customised to your organisation's specific needs. Build organisational confidence with the latest industry insights, tools and strategies.

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Who uses fDi Institute?

  • Investment promotion agencies and economic development organisations

    To understand market dynamics, industry trends and corporate strategies.

  • Free zones and industrial parks

    To understand best practices in investment promotion, marketing, value propositions, and lead generation.

  • Organisations and individuals

    All organisations and people involved in attracting foreign direct investment to update and refresh critical knowledge and key skills.

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fDi Institute FAQs

Frequently asked questions

The system is a fully automated, continuously updated platform to enable e-learning and certification of investment promotion, business recruitment, and economic development staff. Users can review comprehensive training courses and take exams on the platform to get certified. Upon successfully completing an exam, the user instantly receives a signed certificate indicating which courses they have passed.

The e-learning and certification platform is powered by a central database which allows us to continuously update course content, exam questions, and add new modules. As soon as new content is available, it is automatically updated on your system. You will have access to a ‘Course Updates’ inbox which will inform you of the most recent updates. Having access to constantly updated materials is a key benefit. This also enables us to quickly make changes to content based on user feedback, so it is a constantly improving system aligned to the needs of investment promotion and economic development organisations.

We offer very attractive training packages combining an on-site training workshop at your organisation with the e-learning and certification platform. A key weakness of most training workshops provided in the area of FDI attraction is that there is no certification that proves what attendees have actually learned. Our unique training solutions address this by providing the e-learning and certification platform as part of our training workshop programmes.

Each organisation receives their own system. An account management system is provided as part of each system. Administrators from your organisation can add and remove users and have an administration panel where they can see every user, what modules they have passed, and other key information.

We provide very attractive fixed price, annual Enterprise licences, which enable an unlimited number of staff in your organisation to use the platform.

I found the online course extremely convenient, as I could complete modules at my own pace, within my schedule. The information was clear and concise with plenty of additional case studies. I was able to practically implement what I learned, which was of great assistance, as I am relatively new to my role in Economic Development. I can highly recommend this platform for anyone wanting a good foundation to promote FDI and Investment within their mandate.

Joan Shaw George Municipality (WESGRO)

fDi Institute provided an enviable opportunity to access an in-depth knowledge about the global investment climate which is relevant and critical not only to attracting sustainable investment but to my career advancement as an investment officer. The research findings are on point and very factual. This is just what IPAs need to stay on top in their quest to attract the right FDI.

Michael Otchere Ghana Investment Promotion Centre

I really appreciate the opportunity I had for undertaking this training, it has given me a broader view in promoting my Agency to the modern global techniques in handling investors. Looking forward to another session, thank you so much.

Auwal Ibrahim Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency
A dashboard interface of fDi Institute featuring educational and training materials. On the left, a menu lists 'Case Studies,' 'Publications,' 'Toolkits,' and 'Webinars.' Accessibility settings, including contrast theme and font size adjustments, are shown at the top. The center features images of people engaging in classroom or workshop activities. A 'Course Details' section provides information about a course's score, completion date, and exam results. A graph at the bottom right shows 'Greenfield FDI to and from China' over time, comparing inbound and outbound FDI data.

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Decisions driven by intelligence

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A Nikkei Company