Why IncentivesFlow
Discover all types of fiscal incentives offered to companies
Dating back to 2010, IncentivesFlow tracks incentives offered to companies to establish new operations or to expand an existing operation. We record tax rebates, grants or subsidies, loans or credit, and non-financial incentives such as infrastructure development.
Track and compare competitive locations
Understand what packages are being offered across locations and sectors.
Stay ahead of the competition
Tailor your investment incentives and messaging to compete for domestic or foreign direct investment.
Discover investment trends and location benchmarks
Search, filter and export in-depth data sets to create tailored trends, analysis and ranking reports.
Use our interactive incentive calculator
Enter your own project parameters and see what incentives you could be awarded based on historical trends across locations
Who uses IncentivesFlow?
Consultants and intermediaries
Optimise incentives advice to your clients
- Advise your clients on the typical value of incentives they can receive Incentives Calculator provides instant calculation of the max/min incentives package for similar investment projects
- Compare incentive packages across locations and industries: identify optimal location solutions and industry clusters
- Analyse the incentives awarded to specific companies: company search function facilitates instant analysis of the incentives individual companies are receiving
- Identify the incentive programmes awarding incentives: access more detailed information on each programme in specific locations and industries
- Stay on top of latest incentives deals: the e-newswire service, included in the subscription, keeps you up to date with the latest incentive deals being awarded to companies to ensure you are across market trends
Investment promotion agencies and economic development organisations
Compete more effectively for projects
- Benchmark your incentives against competitor locations: evaluate the typical size of incentive packages, incentives per job created and incentives as a percentage of capital investment
- Conduct industry-specific incentives research: analyse incentives in different combinations of industries and business activities
- Understand the incentive programmes being offered around the world: quickly identify the incentive programmes in specific locations and industries and access more detailed information on each programme
- Analyse the incentives awarded to specific companies: a company search function facilitates instant analysis of the incentives individual companies are receiving
- Stay on top of latest incentives deals: the e-newswire service, included in the subscription, keeps you up to date with the latest incentive deals awarded to companies to ensure you are across market trends
IncentivesFlow FAQs
Frequently asked questions
We include all types of fiscal incentives offered to companies to establish new operations or to expand an existing operation. To be included, the investment project must create new employment/retain existing and involve a certain amount of capital investment. The main types of incentives recorded are: tax rebate, grant or subsidy, loan or credit, and non-financial incentives, such as infrastructure development. Incentive packages offered but not accepted by a company and those which were subjected to clawbacks are included.
For each deal a description of the incentive package is provided together with a general overview of the investment project. Key information is collected on the company making the investment, the sector, activity, and location of the investment at country, state, and city level.
The financial value of the incentives awarded is provided together with the job creation and/or capital investment being made by the company. The incentive programme and focus is also provided with a weblink to the programme for further information.
A list of some of the key tags / fields recorded for each deal:
- Company name
- Incentive amount
- Incentive of % Capex
- Source and destination market
- Incentive type
- Incentive per Job
- Sector and industry activity
- Incentive program
- Avg. Increase per sector
- Job creation
- Awarding body
- Average salary
- Capital investment
- Reason for incentive
- FDI or domestic
We have incentive deals dating back to 2010. While the focus is on real-time information, we also ensure that as older data is released, it is added to the database giving a true reflection of incentives on offer.
Our team of analysts screen over 20,000 corporate, media and EDO sources in multiple languages, on a daily basis to identify relevant deals.
We use NAICS as well as our in-house industry classifications which are made up of a simplified amalgamation of international industry standards including NAICS, SIC, NACE codes in order for the IncentivesFlow database to be globally applicable.
Why IncentivesFlow
Discover all types of fiscal incentives offered to companies
Dating back to 2010, IncentivesFlow tracks incentives offered to companies to establish new operations or to expand an existing operation. We record tax rebates, grants or subsidies, loans or credit, and non-financial incentives such as infrastructure development.
Track and compare competitive locations
Understand what packages are being offered across locations and sectors.
Stay ahead of the competition
Tailor your investment incentives and messaging to compete for domestic or foreign direct investment.
Discover investment trends and location benchmarks
Search, filter and export in-depth data sets to create tailored trends, analysis and ranking reports.
Use our interactive incentive calculator
Enter your own project parameters and see what incentives you could be awarded based on historical trends across locations
Who uses IncentivesFlow?
Consultants and intermediaries
Optimise incentives advice to your clients
- Advise your clients on the typical value of incentives they can receive Incentives Calculator provides instant calculation of the max/min incentives package for similar investment projects
- Compare incentive packages across locations and industries: identify optimal location solutions and industry clusters
- Analyse the incentives awarded to specific companies: company search function facilitates instant analysis of the incentives individual companies are receiving
- Identify the incentive programmes awarding incentives: access more detailed information on each programme in specific locations and industries
- Stay on top of latest incentives deals: the e-newswire service, included in the subscription, keeps you up to date with the latest incentive deals being awarded to companies to ensure you are across market trends
Investment promotion agencies and economic development organisations
Compete more effectively for projects
- Benchmark your incentives against competitor locations: evaluate the typical size of incentive packages, incentives per job created and incentives as a percentage of capital investment
- Conduct industry-specific incentives research: analyse incentives in different combinations of industries and business activities
- Understand the incentive programmes being offered around the world: quickly identify the incentive programmes in specific locations and industries and access more detailed information on each programme
- Analyse the incentives awarded to specific companies: a company search function facilitates instant analysis of the incentives individual companies are receiving
- Stay on top of latest incentives deals: the e-newswire service, included in the subscription, keeps you up to date with the latest incentive deals awarded to companies to ensure you are across market trends
IncentivesFlow FAQs
Frequently asked questions
We include all types of fiscal incentives offered to companies to establish new operations or to expand an existing operation. To be included, the investment project must create new employment/retain existing and involve a certain amount of capital investment. The main types of incentives recorded are: tax rebate, grant or subsidy, loan or credit, and non-financial incentives, such as infrastructure development. Incentive packages offered but not accepted by a company and those which were subjected to clawbacks are included.
For each deal a description of the incentive package is provided together with a general overview of the investment project. Key information is collected on the company making the investment, the sector, activity, and location of the investment at country, state, and city level.
The financial value of the incentives awarded is provided together with the job creation and/or capital investment being made by the company. The incentive programme and focus is also provided with a weblink to the programme for further information.
A list of some of the key tags / fields recorded for each deal:
- Company name
- Incentive amount
- Incentive of % Capex
- Source and destination market
- Incentive type
- Incentive per Job
- Sector and industry activity
- Incentive program
- Avg. Increase per sector
- Job creation
- Awarding body
- Average salary
- Capital investment
- Reason for incentive
- FDI or domestic
We have incentive deals dating back to 2010. While the focus is on real-time information, we also ensure that as older data is released, it is added to the database giving a true reflection of incentives on offer.
Our team of analysts screen over 20,000 corporate, media and EDO sources in multiple languages, on a daily basis to identify relevant deals.
We use NAICS as well as our in-house industry classifications which are made up of a simplified amalgamation of international industry standards including NAICS, SIC, NACE codes in order for the IncentivesFlow database to be globally applicable.